Our travel gear has evolved over the years, and while there are still a few old standby items that we recommend, there are a lot of new ideas for you to add to your travel list too. Things have changed a lot in travel. We have to think about a few more things when stepping on a plane, eating out, and staying in hotels. We’ve updated our travel packing list to include the best travel gear for 2023 and beyond!
Best Travel Gear and Travel Accessories
Enjoy our suggestions of items to add to your travel gear list.
When we travel, we carry a lot of electronics including cameras, computers, iPhones even a drone. It’s our job, so we go overboard with gear, you don’t have to carry so much, but the travel gear listed below are great options to support the electronics you bring with you. For charging, storing, and keeping everything safe we’ve got you covered.
Cool Travel Tech Gear
1. Belkin Mini Surge Protector
The Belkin Surge Protector has three plugs to charge multiple items as well as two USB ports to charge things like your iPhone or camera. We can charge five items at once and only have to carry one adapter with us. The surge protector also ensures that our electronics never get fried in unstable environments. We travel to some sketchy destinations and it’s not uncommon for power surges that could easily ruin your computer.
2. Portable USB Charger
Have you ever made a point of going into a coffee shop or restaurant just to use a plug to charge your phone? Well, if you get yourself a portable USB external battery charger you won’t have to worry about missing calls or updating facebook during your travels ever again.
Make sure to get one with two outlets and 20000 mAh so you have lots of charges. We’ve charged GoPros and cameras with our portable chargers and never miss a shot! This has been a lifesaver on safaris when we’re out all day and the batteries go dead on our cameras. We never miss a shot!
3. World Travel Adapter
Forget all the different adapters you used to have to dig out of a drawer before traveling, now you can get all the world’s power outlets in one cube. The World Travel Adapters have come a long way. Wherever you land, you’ll have the right plug at your fingertips in one compact place. All you have to do is fold or pull out the right plug for the right country and you are good to go. We will never go back to the old individual adapters. Check it out.
See our full travel packing list at The Ultimate Travel Packing List (By Professional Travellers)
4. Gear Ties
Have you noticed that with all the electronics that we’re all carrying, our charging cables are getting all mixed up and tangled? When we pack our iPhone cables, computer chords, and camera chargers, we wrap up all the loose ends with Gear Ties They’re way better than tape or zip ties because they coil and uncoil with ease.
Best Travel Organizers

5. Packing Cubes
These nylon sacks help to organize our gear and clothing and free up a lot of space. I put my clothes in color-coded cubes. Underwear in white, shirts in red, shorts and skirts in blue. They are lightweight and durable and we have had some of our packing cubes for nearly a decade. We can stuff our clothing into them and have a completely neat trip back. We recently read that Eagle Creek has gone out of business, but they are still on Amazon for now here at Eagle Creek Pack-It Specter Cubes. That is what we use, but you can also look at Osprey Ultralight Packing Cube Set
6. Compression Cubes
If you want to save space in your travel bags, Compression Cubes are an amazing addition. The Eagle Creek Compression Cube Set is an excellent choice. They act as stuff sacks where we can cram our clothes into a bag and then zip it closed to free up even more space in our backpacks. We cram odds and ends in, pack it to the max and then use the second zipper to compress it down to a small and neat little bag holding everything.
7. Toiletry Bag
A good toiletry bag has really kept us organized, neat, and clean. The Packit Wallaby is a great organizer that we can hang on the back of doors. Its zipper pockets keep things from falling out and it is compact enough that it doesn’t take up the space of bulky leather toiletry bags. Read more: Best Travel Organizers for Smarter Packing
8. Foldable Hiking Bag
Even if we are staying at a five-star resort and using our travel pro suitcase instead of a backpack, we like to keep a small foldable hiking bag on hand. This bag is a great lightweight option to add to your packing list. It saves space, is very lightweight, and folds up to pocket size. It is perfect to fill with beach items and essential hiking gear and it can hold some small photography equipment. We always have it as part of our travel gear list. Check it out on Amazon
9. Dry Bag
Another accessory we keep in our bag is a small waterproof dry bag. Get dry bags that are lightweight. when kayaking, hiking through rain, or heading out on a boat, we love having our photography gear and even our wallets in a waterproof bag rather than a regular bag. Plus, if you are kayaking or canoeing, you can hook the bag onto the boat so you won’t lose your valuables. Buy it now
Unique Travel Gadgets

10. Hidden USB
Luckily she was organized and had all her travel documents backed up. You too can keep backups of all your documents in a USB that never has to leave your body. USB Bracelets and necklaces can hold all backups of your travel documents in one place. Get your Hidden USB here.
11. PacSafe Products
If you are traveling to an area where you don’t feel completely secure or if you are taking a lot of public transportation, we highly recommend PacSafe.
When traveling India, we wrapped the PacSafe’s steel coil around our bags and locked them to our seats and slept easily with peace of mind. When we stayed in questionable accommodation, we’d put all our electronics inside and lock them to something secure. It is amazing for peace of mind.
Read more at The Best Anti Theft Travel Bags and Accessories Another option for this is to get a padlock and bike chain. It doesn’t completely cover your bags, but it does secure your bags.
- PacSafe Items we use:
- Pacsafe RFIDsafe Blocking Travel Organizer – This carries all my money, passports, and credit cards and it blocks anyone trying to steal our information.
- PacSafe Bag Protector – the steel net goes around your luggage or backpack protecting against theft and you can lock it to anything. This is the best travel gear for anyone backpacking, staying in dorms, and taking a lot of public transport.
12. Iron Socket VPN
While it isn’t exactly a travel gadget and is more of a virtual gadget, this is a great addition for any traveler. If you are using public wireless wifi, a VPN can help to add security to your computer. If you have to do banking, you can cloak your IP address keeping others off your system. A VPN is a must for travel to countries like China too. Behind the iron curtain, you can still access Twitter and Facebook. We also love watching TV when traveling but we find that a lot of our favorite shows aren’t available overseas. A VPN allows you to change your computer’s IP address. Check out Iron Socket VPN
13. E Sim Card
We use Airola for our international sim card. It is a virtual e-sim and we don’t need to change any SIM Cards or put on any stickers. We just purchase data before leaving for our destination and then when we land, we activate the e-sim switching easily from our home sim to our travel sim.
14. Portable Wifi
We’ve been taking things one step further than a SIM Card these days. While traveling in Europe and always rent a MiFi. It’s a personal wifi that uses 3G and allows up to 5 devices at one time to use the Internet. It’s amazing to keep up to date on work and to stay connected with your friends and family.
You order it online and they deliver it to your hotel when you arrive. Once you are done with it, you send it back in the return envelope and you are all done. It’s that easy. There are a few options, we tend to use TepWireless.
Electronics Travel Gear
If you want to take your organization even further, this top-rated electronics organizer is economical, well laid out, durable, and the perfect size for traveling. What I like about its multiple elastic loops for all our cords and it has a holder for SD cards as well. See it here: BAGSMART Electronic Organizer Travel

15. Laptop or Tablet
Even the regular traveler who isn’t working might want to carry a laptop or tablet these days. I have read that remote controls carry a ton of germs. Download your favorite series or travel movies and watch them on your laptop and then you can avoid the entertainment system on the plane and in your hotel room. My laptop has become one of my most used pieces of travel gear. The Macbook Pro 13 inch is small and lightweight like a MacBook Air, but it has the power of a full MacBook Pro for video and photography editing.
16. Portable Hard Drive
When taking travel photos, you want to make sure that you have memories to take home with you. It’s important to back up your photos while on vacation. I’m not lying when I say that we’ve met more than one person who has lost all their photos during their and didn’t back them up. Even if you want to keep the photos on your SIM Card until you get home, back them up on a hard drive too. We love the Samsung T5 2TB hard Drive. This tiny hard drive is as lightweight as it gets, it hold a ton of data and is high quality. I can edit videos directly on this.
17. Noise Cancelling Headphones or EarBuds
Whether you are on a flight, a bus, or a train, noise-canceling headphones are a lifesaver. Many times people are talking too loud, children are crying or there is a lot of noise in general. We put on our noise-canceling headphones (We like Apple’s earbuds pro) and with some mellow music, we sleep like a charm.
18. GoPro Hero 9
For waterproof sports cameras, you really can’t beat the GoPro. We have been using GoPros since they first came out and the GoPro Hero 9 is revolutionary. With a front screen, and a great mic for adventure travel (you don’t necessarily need an external mic for quick talking). It is waterproof, takes high-quality 5k video, and has amazing steadiness if fits all our needs. Add it to your travel gear today. Details here.
19. Kindle Paper White
I actually prefer reading on my iPad, but I have a Kindle as well and it’s great for the outdoors or in bright sun. Save browsing books on the shelf and browse on your own device so that you can sanitize and read with ease. Kindles are great for travel. They are lightweight, free up space (in comparison to several books) and save money. My Kindle editions of books are cheaper than hard copies. Get this Kindle Paper White – it is now also waterproof which is awesome at the beach or by the pool
Best Luggage and Accessories

20. Carryon Luggage
Known as the “Rolls Royce of Luggage”, Sterling Pacific is the top choice for luxury travelers, frequent fliers, and pilots. The 35 L carry-on weighs only 11.5 pounds and its streamlined design is made to fit in the overhead compartments while being roomy enough to hold clothes for a long weekend trip. Its elegant aluminum design is a head turner with full-grain Italian leather handles, a retractable full-aluminum trolley, and Aluminum Wheel Housings making it elegant yet durable. If you are looking to buy a gift for a traveler in your life, or want to treat yourself to a luxury item, you will love this piece of luggage that stands out from the competition.

Another favorite of our carry-on luggage is the Pro Carry-On with Laptop Pocket by Level8. It is a prime example of specialized, lightweight luggage. The bag is made with aerospace-grade material to maximize protection yet minimize unnecessary weight. It glides easily, has a pocket for my wallet and laptop and easily fits in most overhead compartments.
21. Roller Luggage / Suitcase
We have graduated from backpacks to TravelPro lolling luggage for our travels. When traveling to cities, islands, or resorts, we really love using proper luggage with wheels. The TravelPro is a high-quality travel bag that has lasted us for years. It is lightweight, durable, and fashionable. Our checked luggage is TravelPro Maxite 5 Spinner – If you are traveling to a place that has paved roads and sidewalks, this is the best travel gear for you. Four wheels make it easier to roll and they tend to be more durable.
22. Rolling Duffel
If you aren’t ready to make the switch to a suitcase Eagle Creek’s 28 Road Warrior rolling duffel is fantastic. It’s not too big so you won’t overpack. it stands up on its own with ease and it is made for stacking packing cubes and wardrobe envelopes.
23. Backpack
Okay, I know I said we don’t use backpacks anymore for our luggage, but that is not entirely true. When traveling to Africa on Safari, to the polar regions on an expedition, or if we are going overland in Southeast Asia, a backpack is still the best option. They are easy to throw onto buses, carry over beaches, and lug through subway stations. We recommend the Osprey Fairpoint for men and the Osprey Fairview for women.
- Read more travel tips and packing ideas:
Carryon vs Non-Carry On
Dave and I don’t do carry-on only. We have been traveling around the world for nearly two decades and we rarely travel carry-on only. What’s the reason? We carry a lot of camera gear when we travel and that pretty much fills up our travel bags. Between our drones, DSLR cameras, laptops, and hard drives, we wouldn’t have a lot of room for our clothing and toiletries.
Besides, we don’t just do beach vacations. We often backpack through mountains, and different climates so we travel with an array of gear including everything from winter layers to hiking boots and water shoes. Just make sure you have a care packing in your carry-on. If you do have a delay and have to wait for your travel bags you will want the essentials.
To help decide what travel bag is right for you, read: The Best Anti Theft Travel Bags and Accessories
Best Travel Photography Bags

24. Adventure Camera Backpack
Shimoda Explore 40 adventure camera backpack is well organized and can hold all of my photography gear. In addition to that, it is durable, comes with a rain cover, has a waterproof zipper, utilizes a rear entry (so I don’t have to worry about thieves), it uses a modular insert system that allows me to customize the inside of the bag and take things in and out with ease and it is carry-on friendly. I use it for hiking and walking around the city. It is by far my favorite photography backpack to date.
25. Small Camera Bag
Deb uses the Peak Design Messanger Bag for her videography gear. It is a fantastic piece of gear that she wears over the shoulder. It carries my DSLR video camera, Go Pro Hero 8s, phone, and computer. Plus there are pockets for wallets and phones. Peak Design Everyday Messenger V2
Photography Gear
We have an entire article sharing our complete photography gear list.
You can take a lot of great photos these days with your smartphone, so if you aren’t looking for completely professional photos, our iPhone combined with the GoPro Hero 9 does the trick. But we also have a drone, 3 DSLRs (two for photography, and one for video) plus a small vlogging Sony camera. See our complete photography gear list here.
Health and Safety Gadgets

26. Collapsible Refillable Water Bottle
Get this collapsible water bottle to take through airport security and to reuse cutting down on waste. Staying hydrated helps your immune system so having water on hand is a must. Being Collapsible, it goes through security with ease and save space in your carry-on bag. Buy it here.
27. SteriPen
The SteriPen purifies water in a snap, it is a great compliment to your water bottle and it an essential part of our travel accessories. You can fill your reusable water bottle with tap water and even water from lakes and rivers and purify the water using the Steripens UV lighting. Another alternative that we have used is a LifeStraw. It is a great two-in-one water bottle and water purifier. But I prefer the water bottle with Streripen as I can purify a lot of water at once and I don’t have to drink out of a filter, I have an open lid. But check it out here and decide what works for you.
28. UV Phone Sanitizer
Let’s face it, our phones are a cesspool of germs. We carry them everywhere, they are a part of us, but we never clean them properly. This UV Phone Sanitizer and Charger kills 99% of bacteria and viruses that build up on your phone. It’s fast easy and will help to keep the germs away. Get it on Amazon for $27.95
29. More Travel Accessories for safety
It’s a good idea to pack a few travel essentials for hygiene and cleaning in your carry-on bags. Travel-size hand sanitizer spray, disinfectant wipes, and surgical gloves are great items to keep on hand. We always have surgical gloves in our first aid kit. Make sure they are lightweight, travel size to go through security (less than 50 ml)
Travel Essentials

30. Travel Insurance
We never travel without travel insurance and in a post-COVID World, this has never been more important. We have used our travel insurance on four continents including being airlifted out of the Amazon when Dave broke his back. We have several articles highlighting the importance of travel insurance that you can read below. But the best advice we can give is to call your company before you fly to ask about restrictions, what it includes, how much your deductible is, and what activities you are allowed to do on your vacation.
Read our Travel Insurance Tips
31. Ear Plugs
These may seem obvious, but I cannot tell you how many times I’ve forgotten my earplugs. Or I have forgotten to keep them on me while riding on a bus or train. If you don’t want to sleep with music, make sure you pack earplugs. When backpacking around the world on a budget, you will be staying in some pretty loud hotels (say someone snoring next door?) and earplugs are a must for any world traveler. Get them on Amazon
We now also use a white noise app and listen to the sound of a fan or ocean waves to rock us to sleep. It drowns out thumping music and loud neighbors.
32. Headlamp
I know what you are thinking. But I have a flashlight on my phone! That is true, but a headlamp is a must for hiking, camping, or even doing astral photography. It is more powerful than your phone light and it is hands-free so you can wear it on your head and get all your tasks done. We like to invest in a high-quality headlamp for optimal lighting and this Black Diamond headlamp is also rechargeable by USB. Read our tips for camping: 25 Camping Tips and Hacks for Happy Campers
For more ideas for travel gear and gadgets, check out the Ultimate Travel Packing List
Do you have any travel gear suggestions that you can’t live without? Have you discovered a new gadget or item that everyone should pack in their travel kit? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Eager for more travel tips?
If you enjoyed our list of the best travel organizers, why not check out some of our other travel packing tips to help you get the most out of your next vacation?